
بزرگترین مجله کشاورزی اینترنتی


بزرگترین مجله کشاورزی اینترنتی

Fungicides قارچکش ها


If your problem is a disease, you must remember that effective chemical control requires proper identification of the target area. You can see pictures of these diseases in our disease page. Effective control also requires accurate timing of applications, proper rate of application and proper uniformity of application. Always follow all label recommendations. Please let us know if you would like to see additional information.

If chemicals are needed, first identify the insect. This section will help you. After you have succeeded this, then you can come to our fungicide page. This will help you decide which chemical will be best suited for your needs.


Common name: Anilazine

Primary action: Contact

Group: Triazine

Form: Flowable

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented: Brown blight, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, gray snow mold, helminthosporium leaf spot, melting out, red leaf spot, rust

Trade Name: Dyrene


Common name: Azoxystrobin

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: methoxyacrylate

Form: Water-dispersible granule

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented and curative: Anthracnose, brown patch, gray snow mold, melting out, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, pythium blight, red thread/pink patch, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch zoysia patch

Trade Name: Heritage


Common name: Benomyl

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Benzimidazole

Form: Granule, Wettable powder

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented: Brown patch, dollar spot, fusarium blight, pink snow mold, smut

Trade Name: Benomyl


Common name: Captan

Primary action: Contact

Group: Dicarboximide

Form: Wettable powder, Flowable

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Brown patch, damping off, helminthosporium leaf spot, melting out

Trade Name: Captain, Captec


Common name: Chloroneb

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Substituded aromatic

Form: Granular, Liquid, Soluble powder

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Brown patch, Gray snow mold, pythium blight, southern blight

Disease curitive: Gray snow mold, pythium blight

Trade Name: Fungicide V, Teremec SP, Terraneb SP


Common name: Chloroneb + thiophanate-methyl

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Substituted aromatic + benzimidazole

Form: Granular

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented: Brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, gray snow mold, pink snow mold, pythium blight

Disese curative: Brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, pythium blight

Trade Name: TwoSome Flowable Fungicide


Common name: Chlorothalonil

Primary action: Contact

Group: Substituted aromatic

Form: Flowable, Dry flowable, Water-dispersible granule, Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Algae, Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, curvularia, dicondra alternaria leaf spot, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, gray snow mold, helminthosporium leaf spot, milting out, pink snow mold, red thread/pink patch, rust

Trade Name: Chlorostar, Daconil 2787, Echo 720, 75 WDG, Lite, Lawn Fungicide 2787, Manicure, Monterey Bravo, Turf Fungicide, Thalonil


Common name: Chlorothalonil + fenarimol

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Substituted aromatic + pyrimidine

Form: Flowable

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, curvularia, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gray leaf spot, gray snow mmold, helminthosporium, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, powdery mildew, red thread/pink patch, rust, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch

Trade Name: TwoSome Flowable Fungicide


Common name: Chlorothalonil + thiophanate-methyl

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Substituted aromatic + benzimidazole

Form: Liquid, Water-dispersible granular

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented and curative: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, helminthosporium leaf spot, red leaf spot, red thread/pink patch

Trade Name: ConSyst


Common name: Cyproconazole

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Triazole

Form: Water-dispersible granule, water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, gray snow mold, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, powdery mildew, red thread/pink patch, rust, smut, southern blight, summer patch

Trade Name: Sentinel


Common name: Etridiazole

Primary action: Contact

Group: Thiadiazole

Form: Granule, Wettable powder

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented and curative: Damping off, pythium blight

Trade Name: Koban, Terrazole


Common name: Fenarimol

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Pyrimidine

Form:Liquid, Granular

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gray snow mold, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, powdery mildew, red thread/pink patch smut, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch

Trade Name: Rubigan, Patchwork


Common name: Flutolanil

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Benzanilide

Form: Wettable Powder

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Brown patch, fairy ring, gray snow mold, red thread/pink patch, southern blight

Disease curative: Brown patch, red thread/pink patch, southern blight

Trade Name: ProStar


Common name: Flutolanil + triadimefon

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Benzanilide + triazole

Form: Wettable powder, Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented: Brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, pink snow mold, powdery mildew, red thread/pink patch, southern blight

Disease curative: Brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, powdery mildew, red thread/pink patch, southern blight

Trade Name: ProStar Plus


Common name: Fosetylal

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Organophosphate

Form:Water-dispersible granule

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Fairy ring, pythium blight

Trade Name: Aliette Signature, Alliette T/O, Monterey Aliette, Prodigy


Common name: Iprodione

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Dicarboximide

Form: Flowable, Granule, Liquid, Wettable powder

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Brown patch, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gray snow mold, helminthosporium leaf spot, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, red leaf spot, red thread/pink patch

Disease curative: Brown patch, dollar spot, gray snow mold, helminthosporium leaf spot, pink snow mold, red leaf spot

Trade Name: 26019, 26GT, Fungicide X


Common name: Mancozeb

Primary action: Contact

Group: Dithiocarbamate

Form: Dry flowable, Flowable, Wettable powder, Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Algae, brown patch copper spot, damping off, dollar spot, downey mildw, fusarium blight, helminthosporium leaf spot, melting out, pink snow mold, pythium blight, red thread/pink patch, rust, slime mold

Trade Name: Dithane, FORE, Formec 80, Mancozeb, Protect T/O


Common name: Metalaxyl

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Phenylamide

Form: Granule, Liquid, Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Damping off, downey mildew, pythium blight

Trade Name: Pythium Control, Subdue Maxx GR, 2X WSP


Common name: Myclobutanil

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Triazole

Form: Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented and curative: Brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, melting out, necrotic ring spot, powdery mildew, red thread/pink patch, rust, septoria leaf spot, smut, spring dead spot, summer patch

Trade Name: Eagle


Common name: PCNB

Primary action: Contact

Group: Substituted aromatic

Form:Granule, Flowable, Wettable powder, Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented and curative: Brown patch, dollar spot, gray snow mold, helminthosporium, melting out, pink snow mold

Trade Name: Defend, PCNB, Engage, Revere, Penstar 10G, Penstar Flo, Terraclor, Turfcide,d Turfcide 400


Common name: Propamocarb

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Dithiocarbamate

Form: Liquid

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented and curative: Damping off, pythium blight

Trade Name: Banol


Common name: Propiconazole

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Triazole

Form: Liquid, Water-soluble packet, Micro-encapsulation

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Anthracnose, brown patch, Dicondra rust, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gaeumannomyces g. graminis, gray leaf spot, gray snow mold, helminthosporium, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, powdery mildew, red leaf spot, red thread/pink patch, rust, smut, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch, zoysia patch

Trade Name: Banner Maxx, GL


Common name: Quartenary ammonium compounds

Primary action: Contact

Group: Not classified

Form: Liquid

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Algae, brown patch, curvularia, dicondra alternaria leaf spot, dicondra rust, dollar spot, fairy ring, gray leaff spot, helminthosporium leaf spot, pythium blight, red leaf spot, rust, southern blight

Trade Name: Physan 20


Common name: Thiophanate-methyl

Primary action: Systemic

Group: Benzimidazole

Form: Flowable, Granule, Wettable powder, Water-soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, coprinus snow mold, curvularia, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gaeumannomyces g. graminis, helminthosporium leaf spoot, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, red thread/pink patch, smut, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all patch, zoysia patch

Disease curative: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, fusarium blight, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, red thread/pink patch, smut, summer patch

Trade Name: 3336, Cavalier 2G, 50 WSB, Fungo Flo, 50 WSB, Systemic Fungicide, SysTec 1998


Common name: Thiophanate-methyl + iprodione

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Benzimidazole + dicarboximide

Form: Liquid

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented and curative: Anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, helminthosporium leaf spot, melting out, pink snow mold

Trade Name: Fluid Fungicide


Common name: Thiophanate-methyl + mancozeb

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Benzimidazole + dithiocarbamate

Form: Wettable powder, Water-soluble bag

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented and curative: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, helminthosporium leaf spot, pink snow mold, red thread/pink patch, rust

Trade Name: Duosan WP, WSB


Common name: Thiram

Primary action: Contact

Group: Dithiocarbamate

Form: Flowable, Granule, Water-dispersible granule, Wettable powder

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented and curative: Brown patch, dollar spot, gray snow mold, pink snow mold, zoysia patch

Trade Name: Spotrete, Lawn Disease Control, Thiram


Common name: Thiram + triadimefon

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Dithiocarbamate + triazole

Form: Liquid

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented and curative: Anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, helminthosporium leaf spot, melting out, pink snow mold, rust

Trade Name: Fluid Fungicide III


Common name: Triadimefon

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Triazole

Form: Granule, Water-dispersible granule, Water soluble packet

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Anthracnose, brown patch, copper spot, dollar spot, fusarium blight, gaeumannomyces g. graminis, gray snow mold, pink snow mold, powdry mildew, red thread/pink patch, rust, smut, snow scald, southern blight, summer patch, take-all patch, zoysia patch

Trade Name: 1% Turf Fungicide with Bayleton, Accost, Bayleton, Granular Turf Fungicide, Fungicide VII, Fungi-Fighter, Lawn Fungicide, Bayleton 1G, Turf Fungicide 1% Bayleton, Turf Fungicide Granules


Common name: Triadimefon + metalaxyl

Primary action: Contact, Systemic

Group: Triazole + phenylamide

Form: Liquid

Labeled for ornamentals: No

Disease prevented and curative: Brown patch, damping off, dollar spot, pythium blight

Trade Name: Fluid Fungicide II


Common name: Vinclozolin

Primary action: Contact

Group: Dicarboximide

Form: Dry flowable, Extruded granule, Flowable

Labeled for ornamentals: Yes

Disease prevented: Brown patch, dollar spot, gray snow mold, helminthosporium leaf spot, melting out, pink snow mold, red thread/pink patch

Trade Name: Curalan, Touche’, Vorlan Flo, DF